Friday, July 22, 2011

Workout 21 July 2011

I practiced Turkish Get-Ups with the 8kg, 12kg, and 16kg kettlebells. The 16kg was stronger than I was anticipating, since my shoulder is still acting funny.

Two sets of each exercise followed. I did the first set with the 8kg and the second set with the 12kg.
5 1-arm swings followed by 5 squat to presses.
6+6 squat with the 12kg racked and 8kg overhead
1-leg contralateral deadlift
clean to catch (a fun one!)
cossack lunges
1-leg bent row (really difficult)
double snatch (I could only do 1 rep with two 12kg kettlebells. I wasn't feeling confident with it)
deck squats (bodyweight but totally solid)
halo from the waist

I ran out of time before I could do more!

I also did some leg and ab exercises on the TRX for about 40 minutes around 3 hours later. It felt nice to use the TRX for more than just training demos.

Looking forward to my heavy workout tomorrow.

Workout 20 July 2011

I alternated overhead presses and pull-ups with the 8kg (and a counterbalance of 12 on our assisted pull-up machine).

1+1 clean and press, 1 pull-up, 2+2 c&p, 2 pull-ups, 3+3 c&p, 3 pull-ups, 4+4 c&p, 4 pull-ups. I followed this for the first two rounds. Third round I did a military press without cleaning before every press.

I did moderate swings with the 12kg for 7 minutes, resting after every 25. It ended up being 7 rounds total (175 swings).

Workout 19 July 2011

After a light warm-up, I did the 5:00 RKC snatch test with a 12-kg kettlebell. I reached 100 with nearly 30 seconds left. That was a great feeling. Now to lose these stubborn 5 or so pounds so I am light enough to pass my test with that weight!

After that I did 2-arm swings with a 16kg for 1:00, 4 times. Then I started counting reps and alternating between the 16 and 24kg kettlebells. I'm training with heavier weights in case I have to use the 16kg for the test.

The format was 20 reps with the 24kg followed by 40 reps with the 16kg, with recovery between each set. Talk about brutal!! I repeated it 20, 40, 20, 40, 20, 40, 20 to get to 200. I have no idea how many I did in the minute-long sets earlier, but it's safe to say I'm doing an insane number of swings these days.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Workout 18 July 2011

I had a day of rest yesterday and a light workout today, focusing on technique. I used an 8kg for the first part and a 12kg for the cardio.

5:00 TGU, alternating sides
face the wall squats, 2 sets of 6, body weight
OH military press, 1+1, 2+2, 3+3

5:00 TGU
face the wall squats, 2 sets of 6 with an 8kg KB
OH military press, 1+1, 2+2, 3+3

5:00 TGU
face the wall squats, 2 sets of 8 with an 8kg KB
OH military press, 1+1, 2+2, 3+3

10 minutes of cardio with 12kg KB
10 2-arm swings, 10+10 snatches
10 2-arm swings, 10+10 1-arm swings
10 2-arm swings, 10+10 snatches
10 2-arm swings, 10+10 1-arm swings
10 2-arm swings, 10+10 snatches

A nice light workout that I can already feel in my core. I love feeling stronger!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Workout 16 July 2011


Double kettlebells!

Similar to the workout I did on the 4th of July, the line-up this time (also using 2 8kg kettlebells) was:

Double squat
Double swing
Double windmill
Double clean and press
Double snatches
Double get-up sit-up

I did 5 rounds of 8 repetitions each. I also had a callous that was tearing so I had to take time to attend to that. With my supreme attention to diet and attempt to not overeat, I don't think I had enough carbohydrates to get through this workout as well as I could have. I'm increasing my carb intake for breakfast to try to get more out of my workouts.

I went swimming for 25 minutes later in the afternoon. I just did easy laps back and forth, sometimes racing my daughter. It was a nice change in pace.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Workout 15 July 2011


Even more kettlebell cardio

I used the 16kg kettlebell for the first time since my shoulder flare-up and it went very well. I did sets of 25 2-arm swings for a grand total of 500 swings. It took 45 minutes, including water breaks, hair re-fastening breaks (I'm almost annoyed enough to shave it all off!!), and breaking up my children's fights breaks.

I feel great. It was grueling but worth it.

Workout 14 July 2011


More kettlebell cardio! Preparing like crazy for the RKC.

No warm-up besides a little joint mobility stretching.

100 1-arm alternating swings with the 8kg, consecutive
100 snatches with the 8kg, alternating after every 10, consecutive
50 1-arm alternating swings with the 12kg, consecutive
50 snatches with the 12kg, alternating after every 10, consecutive
50 1-arm alternating swings with the 12kg, consecutive
20 snatches with the 12kg, alternating after every 5, consecutive

I stopped at 20 on the last set because my left hand was feeling very tender with hot spots from blisters forming. I knew that I had to stop before it got any worse. So I did!

Still a fantastic workout.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Workout 13 July 2011

More kettlebell cardio :)


I used my 12kg kettlebell and had a rough work to rest ratio of 1:2

2-arm swings, 1:00
1-arm swings, 1:00 (0:30 ea)
2-arm swings, 1:15
1-arm swings, 1:15 (0:38 ea)
2-arm swings, 1:30
1-arm swings, 1:30 (0:45 ea)
At this point, I applied some light chalk to the handle of the kettlebell and to my hands. I was getting kind of sweaty.
2-arm swings, 1:45
1-arm swings, 1:45 (0:52 ea)
2-arm swings, 2:00
It was VERY hard to go 2:00 straight. Like, dying.
1-arm swings, 2:00 (0:30 x 4)
I switched after every 0:30 which made it manageable, but I was still dying at the end.

My goal is to do cardio like this and increase the weight to make it to 5:00 with the 16kg. It makes sense that if I can do that, a 5:00 snatch test with the 12kg should be a piece of cake. We'll see how this progresses!

37 days till the RKC in San Diego, and I still have 5 lbs to lose...

Monday, July 11, 2011

Workout 11 July 2011

Legs, legs, legs!!

I'm still resting my shoulder, which is mostly an extremely inflamed trapezius muscle that is causing the pain. I'm icing, stretching, resting, taking 800mg motrin twice a day, and using a neck/ shoulder rub by Tiger Balm before bed.

Today's workout was a combination of kettlebells, TRX, and bodyweight exercises. I've never done a workout entirely of legs before, and it was quite difficult. It took me about an hour and a half to get through it. I don't rush the exercises, rather I give myself enough rest time to focus on every single repetition to make it the best it possibly can. I did three rounds, mostly in the form of 10 reps first round, 8 reps second round, and then 6 third round.

Goblet squat, 8kg kettlebell round 1, bodyweight rounds 2 and 3- 10, 8, 6
Suspended lunge, TRX- 10+10, 8+8, 6+6
Deck squat, bodyweight- 10, 8, 6
Suspended abducted lunge, TRX- 10+10, 8+8, 6+6
1-leg DL, 8kg, 10+10, 8+8, 6+6
Hamstring curl, TRX- 10, 8, 6
Pistol squat on plyo box- 5+5, 4+4, 3+3
1-leg hip press, TRX- 10+10, 8+8, 6+6
Split squat, bodyweight- 10+10, 8+8, 6+6
2-kettlebell squat, 10lbs each- 10, 8, 6

I could have done another round or two but I don't want to burn myself out or get too sore while I'm resting my upper body because I need to be able to do another workout tomorrow!

Here's a deck squat. I love them!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Workout 10 July 2011

My shoulder is still really hurting me so I decided to do a spinning session today. I got on the spin bike with the Original Broadway Cast Recording of American Idiot playing on my iphone and changed my RPMs and tension based on what I was feeling from each song. Before I knew it, I was halfway through the album so I decided to stay on for the entire thing. I've never spent an hour and twenty minutes on a bike before!! It took so much out of me that I passed out for a nap a few hours later.

Oh and I completely love Johnny Gallagher.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Workout 7 July 2011

I started out with an hour on the Power Plate with a workout partner, trading exercises. For the first few, we did 30 seconds and then bumped it up to 45 seconds. Each exercise was completed two times in a row, consecutively.

The workout:
Segmented squat
Lunge to balance
Split squat

Seated row
Push-up feet elevated
Bent-over row
Wide grip push-up

Lateral plank
Front plank single leg
Straight leg lateral plank, arm and leg raised
Front plank, single arm

After a snack break, I went to training some basic kettlebell exercises for the upcoming RKC.

TGU, 2 each side, 12kg
Face the wall squats, 8 (bodyweight)
Overhead kettlebell walk, 12kg
Pump drill
Overhead presses, 5 each side, 8kg
Good morning stretch: 16kg

I completed the circuit twice. However, my left shoulder was giving me some real trouble so I ended the workout early. I lost the overhead lockout in the beginning of my second round of Turkish Get-ups, which has never happened before. I powered through it because I know I'm capable of much more, but my shoulder is feeling worse. I've given my body two days of rest since this workout and I'm currently icing my shoulder. I'm self-diagnosing rotator cuff tendonitis and treating it accordingly. Definitely no overhead drills for at LEAST a week. I'm five weeks out from the RKC and have to take really good care of it so I can complete the snatch test that I'm dieting down really hard for.

Take-away lesson: do not attempt kettlebell training immediately after a power plate workout. My musculoskeletal and nervous systems can't handle it!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Workout 6 July 2011



I did sets of 16 repetitions (and also 16+16 when doing two sides instead of 8+8) and used the workout straight from my TRX Suspension Training Course manual.

Balance lunge
Chest press
Overhead back extension (with hip hinge)
45 degree row
Standing roll out
Biceps curl
Suspended hamstring curl
Suspended crunch
Y deltoid raise
Hip drop
Side plank
Swimmer's pull
Torso rotations

I'm a bit freaked out about needing to drop a few pounds by August 19th for my RKC certification. The weight requirement for 100 snatches in 5 minutes using the 12kg is under 123.5 pounds. Anyone over 123.5 lbs has to use the 16kg. Before the 4th of July weekend (translation: too much wine and way too many of my famous made-from-scratch cookies) I was consistently weighing in at 123.4 lbs. BUT that is without clothes on first thing in the morning, and I haven't dared to weigh myself after last weekend. At the RKC I will be weighed in public on an official scale. No room to be too close to the target weight so I have to aim for at least 5 lbs under it to be safe. So no more sugar or wine for me! This is going to be tough.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Workout 5 July 2011

Kettlebell cardio!


Due to time constraints, I chose to do a cardio session with kettlebells today.

The workout:
20 2-arm swings with 16kg
10 2-arm swings with 24kg

I repeated this 10 times for a total of 300 swings (200 with 16kg and 100 with 24kg) in 20 minutes. Pretty exhausting, but I am weak in cardio.

It's nice to look back and compare to what I did before: 
That workout had 400 swings in 35 minutes, and I had to use chalk with the 24kg. No chalk today!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Workout 4 July 2011

Happy 4th of July!!

I didn't have much time so I did a really quick circuit with minimal time between exercises. It was a bit of a speed round, which was fun and challenging. I used two kettlebells for every exercise, both 8kg. I'm still going light with overhead lifts for right now. I did four repetitions of each exercise (except the swings) and repeated the circuit 8 times. I stuck with multiples of 4 in honor of the 4th :) It took me about 40 minutes to complete. I started with 3 minutes on the Arc Trainer to warm up.

The workout:

Double squat
Double clean and push press
Double swing (10 repetitions)
Double windmill
Double snatch
Double get-up sit-up

I LOVED this workout. It was amazing!!

2 kettlebells
4 repetitions
6 exercises
8 rounds

I'm all about the numbers :)

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Workout 3 July 2011

My ankle is still weak from the cortisone so I had to choose some exercises that would not place much strain on my foot. This is what I came up with:

Round 1
2-arm swings, 16kg, 1 minute
Turkish get-up with kneeling windmill on ascent and descent, and overhead squat, 8kg, 1 each (I went very light because my left shoulder is still tweaked from last week's workout with the sots press)
Assisted pull-ups, counterbalance of 12, close grip underhand, 10 repetitions

Round 2
2-arm swings, 16kg, 1 minute
TGUs, 8kg, 2 each
Assisted pull-ups, counterbalance of 14, wider grip overhand, 10 repetitions

Round 3
2-arm swings, 16kg, 1 minute
At this point I tried a windmill on my right side with a 16kg kettlebell. I touched my hand to the ground and made it back up just fine. The second repetition immediately followed, and I placed the entire palm of my hand on the floor at the bottom (because that's how I roll, apparently). I was fine until about halfway up when I needed some assistance. I had one of my managers spotting me the entire time, as I do with every new exercise I try with a heavier weight. I didn't try any on my left side. I just wanted to see if I could do it.
TGUs, 8kg, 3 each side
Assisted pull-ups, counterbalance of 10, close grip underhand, 6 repetitions

Round 4
2-arm swings, 16kg, 1 minute
TGUs, 8kg, 2 each side
Assisted pull-ups, counterbalance 12, underhand, 8 repetitions

Round 5
2-arm swings, 16kg, 1 minute
TGUs, 8kg, 1 each side
Assisted pull-ups, counterbalance 14, overhand, 10 repetitions

When I do a kneeling windmill, my entire forearm is on the ground. I love the flexibility and core strength it requires.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Workout 30 June 2011

I did about 30 minutes of Power Plate work before my 5:00 client. Lots of squats, lunges, and core work with stretching at the end. It felt great! I did it without my shoes on for maximum vibration to my feet.

My 6:30 TRX class consisted of pyramids. I did 10 reps or 10+10 for the first half and then because time was running short, did 10 or 5+5 for the second half.

Squat (all different variations through the workout, with one-legged squats finishing up the first half)
Squat, suspended abducted lunge
Squat, susp abd lunge, hip drop
Squat, susp abd lunge, hip drop, chest press
Squat, susp abd lunge, hip drop, press, row
Squat, susp abd lunge, hip drop, press, row, balance lunge

Low plank, low plank crunches, high plank, high plank crunches (20 sec each because I had some beginners in the class that were having a hard time with it!)

Balance lunge
Lunge, row
Lunge, row, press
Lunge, row, press, hip drop
Lunge, row, press, hip drop, susp abd lunge
Lunge, row, press, hip drop, susp abd lunge, squat

I have another cortisone shot this afternoon so it might be a few more days before I can work out again. I'm seeing incredible results in my body from these workouts though!